Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

Natural Home Remedies for Ringworm - A Practical Guide to Get Rid of Ringworm

Natural Home Remedies for Ringworm | A Practical Guide to Get Rid of Ringworm
Home Articles Dry Itchy Scalp Is Ringworm Contagious Scalp Fungus Skin Fungus. Are you like many others, concerned about the toxicity of over the counter ringworm and fungal creams and pills on the market?

I have found this amazing way of treating skin problems like ringworm, scalp fungus, athletes foot, skin fungus and jock itch. Not only does it relieve the itch immediately, it also reduces the skin rash and ringworm until it is completely gone. And the best part of it is that it is a totally natural ringworm treatment that supports your skin instead of fighting it.

Did you know that if you use a cortisone based cream on ringworm infected skin, the ringworm will not only become worse, but will change its appearance to look more like a rash.

Did you also know that according to the American Clinical and Climatological Association, numerous drugs, including H1 -antihistamine, antineoplastics, steroids, antimicrobials, antiretrovirals, opioids, long acting-barbiturates, cardiovascular agents, psychotropics and oral contraceptives, may be affected by co-administration with the azoles, resulting in unexpected toxicity. Many of the over the counter anti-fungal creams are in fact such azoles.

This is one of the reasons why more and more people are going back to the old ways of healing, using natures own powerful properties to combat problems such as ringworm, just like our forefathers did.

In older times, people understood the healing properties of a lot of plants, and how to use them effectively. Back when we were still in touch with the land, we used this knowledge to administer first aid and to heal our families of any ailment that we could, and only as a last resort did we go to the doctor....Read More Detail

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