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Do You Suffer From Keratosis Pilaris? I Did Too... Until I Combined 4 All-Natural Ingredients To Create a Remedy That Relieved My Symptoms... Fast.
Your Search Is Finally Over! You Don't Have To See a New Dermatologist Every Month. You Don't Have To Keep Spending Hundreds, Even Thousands, of Dollars on New Drugs That Don't Work.
You actually start praying for winter so that people will stop asking you why you're wearing long sleeves... and then when you don't, there comes the onslaught of questions.
You can feel them stare as they walk by your desk... at your arms or legs that are all red, rough, and bumpy.
"No, it's not a rash," you say, over and over again. "No, it's NOT contagious!" as people look at you like you have a disease...
Until you finally get so fed up that you just stop wearing short sleeves. Or shorts. Or bathing suits.
You start hiding your skin behind long sleeves and pants year-round so that people don't ask... and you don't have to tell.
Each one says the same thing: It's incurable, but I can prescribe you [insert insanely expensive, harsh chemical here] to help you manage it.
Maybe this new chemical does work for a little while... until the redness becomes worse, your skin starts peeling off, and you are so sensitive to the sun that just a few minutes outside means aloe vera gel for a week.
And then the whole cycle...
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